Waterfront Festival 2016
Join us on Saturday June 11, 2016 for the Waterfront Festival
The Waterfront Festival takes place in Yahara Place Park. Yahara Place Park is nestled on the northern shore of Lake Monona near where it meets the Yahara River just a couple of blocks from Williamson St., Schenk’s Corner, and the O’Keeffe/Marquette school complex. This is a very supportive residential area but please bus, walk or bike to the event if possible. There will be bike racks and a bike livery provided by the Bike Federation. We are very dependent on beverage sales to keep this event free. So please no carry-ins other than water. The event is handicapped-accessible and free to the general public. Also we would like you to leave your pets at home.
The Waterfront Festival is an MNA event. It raises funds through corporate sponsorship, donations and concessions. Funds enable MNA to achieve our goals and mission.
June 11, 2016
Yahara Place Park
Complete details can be found at here.